Best Educational Games

The best educational games

Educational based games can be boring or feel like another lesson for children. However, we have put together a list of the best educational games that are even recommended for adults.



Photosynthesis is a game about growing a forest. Two to four players each tackle the role of a tree. The unique twist in this game is that the sun is represented by a game piece that rotates around the board to represent the passing seasons. The trees then compete for light.

Players learn the principles about how plants use light to grow, the ways trees compete for placement in a very vibrant forest environment, and demonstrates how a tree’s completed life cycle makes way for new trees in their place.


Cytosis: A Cell Biology Game

Cytosis is a game about living cells. With beautiful graphics, complex concepts like cell detoxification and mitochondria are all explained through the gameplay. Aside from that though this is a fun game. By placing tokens on various places on a board that represents a cell, different tasks are completed like building enzymes or hormones.

The game is very good at communicating these subjects to the player and is a competitive game that any player would return to again and again.



It is quite likely that Bananagrams may be more familiar than other specialist educational games. The game itself is fairly straightforward and the speed of it is appealing to both children and adults. The educational aspect is achieved by teaching the players vocabulary, spelling skills and understanding the similarities between different words.

Players receive some tiles, which they use to create a grid of real words. As new tiles are selected, players are forced to rearrange their grid to accommodate the new letters.
As you can see this is very similar to Scrabble but a more fast-paced version of the game.


Dice Stars

Dice Stars is a simple maths game that’s a lot of fun to play. Players roll then die and scores are added to a scoring grid sheet; with same numbered or coloured dice in a row or column scoring points. Dice Stars has some simple arithmetic to complete but also encourages players to think ahead about potential scoring results. Choices are made about what rows and columns to pursue on your scoring sheet and trying different approaches to further your scores. This is a game for up to four players but can also be played by just one player in solitaire mode.



Codenames is a good game if you have a larger group of players as you can play with up to eight players. In the game, two teams play against each other (blue and red). Players will need to find all of their spies hidden on the board before the opposing team. One player on each team knows all of the code names of their spies, and their job is to help the other players to choose the correct cards to reveal their spies. The game encourages teamwork and communication between players and is recommended for people of all ages.